The Coaches Association of Ontario is an independent, non-profit organization that supports coaches from community level to high performance across all sports in Ontario. They provide coaching programs and services that develop competent and certified coaches. The CAO is the sports organization in Ont. that administers the NCCP multi-sport courses on behalf of the Coaching Assoc. of Canada. They train, support, mentor and provide the learning facilitators for NCCP workshops.
The Milton Historical Society Hosting National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Workshops
Course: NCCP “Make Ethical Decisions”
Date: Sat. April 26, 2025
Time: 9 am - 1 pm
Registration: $90.00, E-Transfer only: coachesmhs@gmail.com
Course Description:
This is a Competition Introduction multi-sport course. By successfully completing the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions training, coaches will be fully equipped to handle ethical situations with confidence and surety. The training helps coaches identify the legal, ethical, and moral implications of difficult situations that present themselves in the world of team and individual sport. Upon completing the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions training, coaches will be able to:
- Analyze a challenging situation and determine if it has moral, legal or ethical implications; and apply the NCCP Ethical Decision-Making Model to properly respond to situations in a way that is consistent with the NCCP Code of Ethics.
- This is the course that is needed by coaches in all sports, regardless of the context in which they coach, be it team or individual sports; artistic or combative sports; winter or summer sports; able body or para or Special Olympics. This is the cornerstone course of the National Coaching Certification Program. If you are just getting into coaching or competitive coaching, this is the one course that coaches across Canada need in order to be with athletes.
- This workshop will utilize eMaterials. You will be required to download the materials in advance and bring a suitable electronic device to use during the workshop. The materials will be provided to you in advance.
LOCATION: Milton Historical Society, Carriage Room, 16 James Street, Milton, Ontario
(Entrance is on the north side of the building) Please note - this course may be postponed if registration minimums are not reached.
Phone: 905-875-4156 Email Address: coachesmhs@gmail.com
Registration & Payment: coachesmhs@gmail.com
Prerequisites for registrant coaches:
- Name
- Age 14yrs. and up to access NCCP multi-sport training in Ontario
- NCCP #
- Payment through E-Transfer only (coachesmhs@gmail.com)
- Must register 7 day’s prior to workshop date
- Email Address
Things registrants need to know:
Please park in one of the municipal lots that are conveniently located off Main St. and Brown St. (please respect our neighbours and do not park in St. Paul’s United Church parking lot, which is next door)
NCCP Number
This is required so coaches may receive credit for attending an NCCP course. This is different than a registration number that your sport organization may have given you to identify you with them. Instructions on how to get an NCCP # can be found at: https://www.coachesontario.ca/nccp-training/getting-your-nccp/
In order to obtain a credit for the course, participants are expected to arrive a few minutes early and stay until the Learning Facilitator dismisses the class. A participant leaving early will not receive credit for the course, so please ensure that when you register for a course where you are able to stay until the end. All participants are expected to participate in discussions and work within groups or pairs as directed by the Learning Facilitator. Some presentations of work performed by groups may be expected as part of the learning process.
Workbooks will be distributed by the Coaches Association of Ontario to each participant prior to each course. Participants are expected to bring a fully charged portable computer, tablet or some sort of electronic device in which to record information into the workbook. A limited number of electrical outlets are available inside the Carriage Room.
A five minute grace period after the course begins will be at the discretion of the Learning Facilitator. Coaches are expected to be on time for games and practices. This discipline is also expected when attending an NCCP course. Please allow ample time for travel and plan accordingly. The course will start on time whether you are there or not.
No refunds will be issued for non-attendance at a course, or if the facilitator refuses you entrance to the course due to lateness.
If a participant is ill the day of a course, please call the Historical Society phone number at (905) 875-4156 and leave your name, NCCP # by 10:00 AM. Please respect other participants and stay at home when ill. A representative of the Historical Society will get back in touch with you about your course registration.
Allow two weeks (ten business days) for the completion of this course to show up on your Coach Transcript using your NCCP # and password to access The Locker at https://thelocker.coach.ca/account/login?ReturnUrl=%2f
Print out your Coach Transcript as your proof of course completion. Please do not contact the host if you have an issue, please contact the Coaches Association of Ontario for assistance. They have the tools at their fingertips to help you while you are on the phone. It is the coach's responsibility to check their NCCP account to ensure that credit for the course has been issued and to follow-up with the COaches Association of Ontario in a timely manner if they have not been given credit for a course.
The Coaches Association of Ontario may send registrants an e-mail asking for you to voluntarily evaluate the course and the Coach Developer who facilitated it. The course completion will show up on your transcript regardless of whether or not you complete the course evaluation.
Coaches Association of Ontario
Tel: 416-426-7086