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Milton Historical Society & Waldie's Blacksmith Shop

Blacksmith courses available, special events throughout the year, archives open. Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month, September through June.
Milton Historical Society & Waldie's Blacksmith Shop
Milton Historical Society & Waldie's Blacksmith Shop9 months ago
On July 4, 1857, The Town of Milton held its first council meeting. At this time, “Milton” was confirmed as the name of the town. George Brown was chosen as the first Mayor of Milton. To learn more about the history of Milton, please visit our website. We also encourage every resident of Milton to become a Member of the Milton Historical Society. #LocalHistory #MiltonON
Milton Historical Society & Waldie's Blacksmith Shop
Milton Historical Society & Waldie's Blacksmith Shop9 months ago
Milton Historical Society & Waldie's Blacksmith Shop
Do you subscribe to the new local publication MiltonToday? Due to Meta's Canadian News policy, we are not able to share the article with you; but please visit their website to read the full article there. #waldiesblackmithshop #MiltonON
Milton Historical Society & Waldie's Blacksmith Shop
Milton Historical Society & Waldie's Blacksmith Shop9 months ago
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
Milton Historical Society & Waldie's Blacksmith Shop
Milton Historical Society & Waldie's Blacksmith Shop9 months ago
Historic Property: This photo appeared in the 1857-1907 Milton Semi-Centennial Booklet. At that time Dr. Hugh McColl, a local family physician lived here from 1899 to 1936. The home was built by Joseph McCollum in 1882 and was typical of the period to feature yellow brick trim around windows and corners.'' #MiltonON #HistoricProperties
Milton Historical Society & Waldie's Blacksmith Shop
Milton Historical Society & Waldie's Blacksmith Shop9 months ago
June 22, is Loyalists Day, which was given Royal Assent and passed into law by the Ontario Government to commemorate Loyalist our history. This is celebrated every year by members of the United Empire Loyalist Association. In general, the United Empire Loyalists were those who had been settled in the 13 colonies at the outbreak of the American Revolution, who remained loyal to the British crown and took up the Royal Standard, and who settled in what is now Canada at the end of the war. #LoyalistDay
Milton Historical Society & Waldie's Blacksmith Shop
Milton Historical Society & Waldie's Blacksmith Shop9 months ago
Take Me Back Milton: The Town of Milton has had 38 Mayor's, our first was George Brown, in the middle # 19 was Edwin Earl and #38 Gordon Krantz. #TakeMeBackMilton #LocalPolitics